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Hanoi - Vietnam

We have the pleasure to work with amazing artist and good friend based in Hanoi helping us spread our work & passion. His main job is to create art pieces & stages for the best festivals in Asia, have a look . Yet he also has time to be a creative flow artist and provide the local community with our gears.

Holland Holland

Pai - Thailand

Backpackers Paradise in the beautiful town of Pai has been the host to one of the best fire shows in Thaïland for the last years, run by Medicine Circus. Created by Ryan, hundreds of artists gathered over the years and made a unique production together, based around a diverse, creative and inclusive community.

Ryan Eason

São Paulo - Brazil

He’s an internationally recognized performer, innovative buugengster, master of balance and poi spinning, co-founder of Equilibra Performance… And more. Check his work on our sponsored artists page ! He brings and distributes our toys to Brazil.

Gustavo Ollitta

Koh Phangan - Thailand

Labracadabra is a very unique place too.
LABracadabra is a live experiment of what sustainable - artistic and productive life could (should ?) be. Recycling, arts & movement together in a creative bubble while having a positive impact on the environment, a real example of how to actually make a change around us. Check them out !
